Have you ever been in a reading slump?

by 9:19 PM 3 comments
One of the greatest things about reading is that it's interesting and keeps me preoccupied. But what happens when I don't feel like reading anymore? Well, that's what happened to me this past week. Kind of. I continued to read Fanfiction stories, but nothing else. That's what I always do when I get into a reading slump, is turn to fanfiction, which is great. But I found myself reading a bunch of mediocre fanfic stories as well!

Come to think of it... that's usually what triggers my reading slumps. Reading so-so books... *shivers*. I am in serious need of a completely epic, most awesome, mind-blowing book... in the world. So, if you know of any PLEASE let me know. And hopefully, they'll knock me out of this slump.

Also, have you ever had reading slumps? Any tips or tricks on how to avoid them, or get over them? Tell me and I'll love you forever!!!!

P.S. If you don't know what fanfiction is, it's basically a site where people can create their own stories using characters from popular books or movies or tv shows... it's good stuff!

Carmen Shaw


Carmen N. Shaw is currently a biology major at Georgia State University. She is the owner and developer of the book blog, Understanding Carmen's Story.


  1. I have had a lot of reading slumps lately just because of being overwhelmed with too much school/required reading or so little time that reading seems impossible. I find that either rereading some of my favorite books that I haven't read in a really long time helps, or reading some that I've just been dying to read forever works. Good luck!

  2. Reading slumps are awful. I usually get out of them by reading my favorite books to put that spark back in.

  3. Nope...don't have any tricks to share as on how to avoid a slump. :/ I think you just deal w/ it. Hate them, too! However, what happens waaaay more often to me is that I'm in a genre-slump. After reading an especially epic super awesomesauce - for example: thriller (*coughs* I just did haha) I have SUCH a hard time finding another one that seems like it could live up to my high expectations. Makes me grumpy!
    @Katrina Good idea! I will definitely do that next time. #rereadafavorite
    _yay_ @ BookthatThing!


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