Follow Friday #12

by 2:43 AM 10 comments
Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read!

Q: What is your guilty pleasure as far as reading? Is it a genre, or is it a certain type of book?

I don't really have many guilty pleasures pertaining to books - thankfully - but I will say that the ONLY time I do feel guilt (more like utter shamefulness) is if I'm reading a particularly romantic scene while being out in public. If the scene is especially *clears throat* passionate and I'm in some place like school... I feel like the most awkward person in the world. And the bad part about it is the fact that I don't stop reading; I refuse to do so. I'll continue reading about these "suggestive" situations right in the middle of class, and then it feels like everyone suddenly becomes so interested in what you're reading, i.e. PARANOIA SUCKS!

Leave a link to your post and I'll be sure to stop by and follow!

Carmen Shaw


Carmen N. Shaw is currently a biology major at Georgia State University. She is the owner and developer of the book blog, Understanding Carmen's Story.


  1. LOL! Yes, it's not so much guiltiness but the utter shameful-shamelessness of reading those type of books out in public and not stopping.
    Raina @ The LUV'NV
    New GFC and Linky follower

  2. hahah i know exactly what you're talking about :P I often start to notice people looking at me. i mean obviously people look at you all the time, they might pay you fleeting glances as they look around, but at that moment i feel like they know what i'm reading and that's why they're looking at me :P I agree, paranoia sucks :P

    New GFC and Linky follower :)


  3. Nice blog!

    New follower via GFC!
    Bieke @ Bookaddict Bieke

  4. I can totally relate to that :))

    new follower

    My FF

    WIn warner T-Shirts and a Signed copy of Unravel me

  5. LOL that is kind of awkward! I always look over my shoulder sketchily because I do NOT want anyone reading that behind me while I am reading it! Like, in the backseat of a car with two other people - I can't read those kinds of scenes there! :)

    New follower via GFC!

    Here is my FF post!

  6. LOL!! Those scenes are designed to pull you in and make you forget about everything around you, that is why those scenes are read at home when everyone else is sleeping. 'dont want them to hear my heavy breathing. haha!

    New GFC follower.

    My FF is stop by and enter the book giveaway! I'm sure there a few books with breathless scenes being offered. : )

  7. I totally agree. It always feels that people are watching what you're reading when you're reading a book with a HOT cover! :)

    New follower via GFC.

    Nina@J'adore Happy Endings

  8. Lol, picturing that is so hysterical. I love when people suddenly become interested at the worst moments!

    New follower via GFC!
    My FF

  9. Haha great answer!

    New Follower!

  10. Haha, I always get like that when reading a love scene. I usually read romances, so it happens far too often!
    I'm a new follower :)
    My FF


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